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Boosting Organic Reach

Every marketing campaign needs a little boost. We came up with an interesting way to amp up the discoverability and virality of the main "I'm Home at Changi Airport" video by increasing organic reach and shareability through known YouTubers. 

A guerilla social media campaign with a mission to direct traffic to the main "I'm Home" campaign by Changi Airport.

Curation and Planning

As the theme song "I'm Home" was not licensed for  radio airplay, we took to social media to achieve the intended reach. We wanted to recreate the trend where YouTubers cover popular songs. Behind the scenes, these videos were planned. The covers were arranged and personalities specially handpicked and curated.


We ensured that the timeline of the releases piqued the curiousity of viewers.Through this series of videos, the questions we wanted to ingrain in our viewers' mind's were, "What song is this? Why is everyone covering it?"


We included a direct link in each response video that brought  viewers to the main "I'm Home" video. It successfully increased organic views for the main video, voiced by popular artiste, Benjamin Kheng. 

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