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A campaign planning and activation project for the launch of a new season to a wider audience with maximum visibility. 

Native Advertising 

With the understanding that our generation hates to be marketed to, we had to help our client innovate and come up with new ways to grab attention and motivate action. In the end, we found a way to encourage client participation and weave in the demonstration smoothly. 


Putting on a Good Show

We understood that a good launch event is more than just a demonstration and catwalk. It needs an extra 'oomph' to entertain the people. We incorporated the core values of the client - "Inspiring the Everyday Gentleman's Values" to conceptualise "The Gentleman's Worth" - an event surrounding men's fashion and grooming. 



We worked on creating the launch narrative – spanning from planning the launch event concept to guestlist to production of marketing material and partner vendors. To ensure ample entertainment for participant satisfaction, we ensured that it would be encompass special experiences for all. Following the theme of The Gentleman's Worth, we invited man-icurists, barbers, groomers, boutiques and leather craftsman to share their passion and craft. All participants had the chance to pamper themselves the gentleman way.

Star-studded Event

Combining celebrity guests and the general public in one session was a great way to raise awareness for the event. Each personality was curated and handpicked to ensure that they matched the brand's outlook and share the same beliefs - to up Singaporean men's fashion game. 

Longevity Online

The event received wide coverage in lifestyle magazines and social media. The marketing collaterals and vent coverage have been used in the client's online channels and in advertising campaigns.


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